
Really Want Out Of Life?

How Do You Know What You Really Want Out Of Life?

July 17, 20248 min read

Knowing what you really, truly want out of life is a profound and personal quest! It's about digging deep below the surface, past the influences of society and peers, to find your genuine self.

It's not always easy—the real answers often lie beneath the obvious. So, take time to really think and feel your way through it. What's that one thing (or two) that you truly long for?

In this blog post, you will explore actionable steps to help you uncover and understand your true desires.

 Challenges Of Self-Discovery

Finding your true self is a tricky and often uncomfortable task! It requires some serious honesty and the courage to face all parts of your personality. It's scary when the mirror shows a different person than you thought you were.

But it's a necessary step on the road to self-discovery. Pushing past your comfort zone is how you grow, and the rewards are worth the effort.

When you understand yourself, you're sure of your choices and the direction you're headed. It's empowering to live authentically!

This journey is a lifelong one, so relax and enjoy the ride. The unknown is exciting—go forth and discover! You might just like what you find.

Power Of Discovering Your True Desires

Knowing what you want is a game-changer! It's like finding a treasure map to your true north. You'll feel a burst of energy and purpose—your life has direction!

When you understand your own heart, your goals have real meaning. That makes every step feel meaningful and fun. And decision-making is a breeze when you've got that insight.

It's an amazing feeling to connect with your true self. You'll feel empowered and on the right track. Taking the time to figure this out is a true investment in your happiness. So, go ahead and unlock this secret to your joy!

 Steps To Understand What You Desire

Discovering what you truly desire in life is a journey of introspection, exploration, and continuous growth. It involves delving into your past experiences, understanding your core values, and uncovering your passions. 

1. Reflect on Your Core Values:

Thinking about what you really care about is important. These are the things that influence the decisions you make every day. They are your core values. 

Your core values might be honesty, helping other people, or being creative. Maybe you value achieving goals, being independent, or connecting with friends and family. Understanding what matters most to you can help you make decisions and figure out what you really want in life. 

Take some time to think about what principles and beliefs are important to you. This can help you make decisions in the future and ensure that you're living a life that aligns with your values.

2. Identify Your Passions:

Figuring out what really excites you and makes you happy is a great way to understand yourself and what you want in life. 

Think about the things you do that make you feel really good and energized. It could be sports, cooking, painting, or even something like discussing the latest technologies. Whatever it is, these are the things that you're passionate about. 

Try to notice how you feel when doing different activities. If something makes you feel super enthusiastic and happy, it's probably a passion of yours. 

You can also try new things or revisit old hobbies to discover new passions or remember old ones. Your interests might change over time, so it's fun to keep exploring and learning more about yourself.

3. Assess Your Strengths and Skills:

Another way to understand what you want in life is to look at what you're good at and enjoy doing. These are your strengths and skills. 

Think about the things at work or school that everyone finds hard, but you seem to manage with ease. These are clues to your natural talents. You might be a great public speaker, a whiz at math, or have a talent for encouraging others. 

Also, consider the skills you've picked up through your hobbies, jobs, or education. Maybe you're a great writer, a skilled negotiator, or have a talent for fixing things. These are all useful and can tell you a lot about what you might desire in life or what direction to head in. 

Don't forget to think about the things people often compliment you on. Those are also clues to your strengths!

4. Set Short-Term and Long-Term Goals:

To understand your desires, it's a good idea to set up both short and long-term plans. 

Short-term goals are like little milestones that keep you motivated and on track. These could be things you want to achieve in the next few days, weeks, or months. For example, if you've always wanted to learn a new language, a short-term goal could be to find an online course and commit to doing it within the next month. 

Long-term goals are the big things you aspire to achieve in the future. These could span several years or even decades. So, sticking with the language example, a long-term goal could be becoming fluent in multiple languages. 

Make sure your goals are specific and have clear outcomes. This will help keep you focused and motivated. And remember, your goals might change as you learn more about yourself and what you want, so it's okay to adjust them along the way.

5. Explore Different Life Paths:

To really understand yourself and your desires, it's a good idea to explore different paths and not just stick to what you know. 

Try thinking outside the box and stepping into the unknown. This could mean traveling to a new place, volunteering for a cause, taking up painting, or even trying a high-intensity sport. You might discover a new passion or realize that something you thought you'd love isn't actually for you. 

By exploring, you're giving yourself the chance to learn new things about your interests, strengths, and what makes you happy. You might find hidden talents or skills you never knew you had by trying out these new experiences. 

Don't be afraid of the uncertainty that comes with exploration; it's an exciting part of the journey of self-discovery. Who knows what cool things you might find out about yourself!

6. Ask Yourself Deep Questions:

To really understand what you want in life, it's helpful to spend some time asking yourself deep questions. These questions can help you think about your feelings, desires, and dreams. 

Think about what really makes you happy and fulfilled. Is it helping others, achieving personal goals, or perhaps finding inner peace? What are the things that make you feel most alive and excited? 

It can also be useful to think about the future and the impact you'd like to have on the world, or even the legacy you'd like to leave behind. Don't be afraid to question your fears and insecurities, too—they might be holding you back from achieving your dreams. 

Really explore your thoughts and feelings by asking yourself these deep questions. It can be an incredible way to discover your true desires and whether your current life path is the right one for you. Imagine your ideal life, and don't hold back!

7. Embrace Change and Adaptability:

Change is a big part of life, and being comfortable with it can help you understand yourself and your desires. 

When you resist change, you might miss out on amazing opportunities for growth and learning. So, embrace the idea that things can and will change, and be ready to adapt when they do. This mindset allows you to be more open to new experiences and possibilities. 

Being adaptable doesn't mean not having values or goals; it just means that you're willing to adjust your path as you learn new things and have different experiences. 

Change is inevitable, so why not welcome it? By doing so, you'll be more open to the possibilities that life has to offer, which can help you figure out your true desires.


Taking time to really think about your life and what makes you happy is a valuable and rewarding thing to do. 

Explore your passions, strengths, and dreams, and think about what gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling of joy and fulfillment. Welcome new experiences and change, because these can lead you to amazing discoveries about yourself. 

By doing all of this, you're taking steps towards a life that's fulfilling, satisfying, and in alignment with your true desires. 

Remember, this is a journey, and you might not discover everything right away. Keep reflecting, keep exploring, and keep asking yourself those deep questions. It'll be a fun adventure!


1. How Do External Influences Impact Your Desires?

External influences can shape your desires by introducing new ideas, values, or expectations. They can impact your goals, dreams, and aspirations, sometimes aligning them with societal norms or challenging you to redefine what truly matters to you.

2. Can Desires Change Over Time?

Desires can definitely change over time. As you grow and experience new things, your perspective shifts, leading to evolving wants and needs. Embrace these changes and allow yourself to explore what truly matters to you.

3. Is It Possible to Have Conflicting Desires?

Yes, it's possible to have conflicting desires. You may want success in your career but also crave a more balanced personal life. It's natural to feel torn between different aspirations; acknowledging this inner conflict can lead to growth.

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